Fairytale Dreams and Destinations

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Reason Givin for my Ban

After receiving complaints from some DIS members about being solicited by your travel agency thru PMs and after reviewing you past posts on the boards promoting yourself, we have decided to remove your posting privileges for the DIS permanently.
DIS Boards Administration

I received the following message when attempting to logon to the DisBoards this morning. My user name is pollioni

You have been banned for the following reason:
No reason was specified.
Date the ban will be lifted: Never

Can you please explain why I have been to my knowledge I have only had one warning a fixed that as soon as I was made aware of it.

Just an FYI I only PM'd one person (whom I believe is a plant) ever for solicitation. Unless the Admins were watching who PM the person who posted this message.

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